
The website of Restaurant Franco Belge with registered office at Langestraat 109, 8000 Bruges registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number VAT BE 0636.961.287
limited responsibility

The information which you can find on the various pages of the website is purely informative in nature. The information and services referred to are of a general nature. Consequently, no rights may be derived from the information provided.

We always strive to keep the information as accurate and complete as possible. Restaurant Franco Belge is not responsible for possible errors due to human errors or computer systems, neither towards its website visitors, nor towards third parties, except in case of intentional or severe error by Restaurant Franco Belge. Restaurant Franco Belge's liability is thus limited to incomplete or possibly incorrect information, as well as to a wrong interpretation of the website, except in case of gross negligence or intent on the part of Restaurant Franco Belge.

Restaurant Franco Belge cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect, special or exceptional damage or loss resulting from the use of information or from the reliance on information contained on this website in connection with the risks inherent to financial services.

Restaurant Franco Belge cannot be held liable for damages suffered as a result of using the information provided on the website, nor for the information provided on possible external links. Neither can Franco Belge be held liable for possible viruses on the website.
intellectual property rights

The information made available on the Restaurant Franco Belge website is protected by intellectual property rights in all its parts, including the name and logo of Restaurant Franco Belge. This information may only be used for personal purposes. Except with the prior written consent of Restaurant Franco Belge, reproductions are not permitted.
applicable law and competent courts

Comments regarding the content of the website, including the disclaimer should be addressed to info@restaurantfrancobelge.be. Belgian law is applicable to all possible disputes regarding the use of the website www.restaurantfrancobelge.be. These disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the court of the district of the registered office of Restaurant Franco Belge, i.e. the Ghent courts. For further questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at info@restaurantfrancobelge.be.